Weve taken some hd photos of the new map and as youll soon see below its absolutely stunning. Pubg desert map is massive.
Pubg S Miramar Map Is Better On Xbox One Venturebeat
Pubg S Second Map Miramar Is Finally Coming To Xbox One Polygon
Pubg Miramar Map Guide All You Need To Know Kill Ping
The entire island seems like a big wide open deserted ground.
Pubg miramar map image. Pubg battleground image 4k the classic mode in pubg game has three maps you can chose to play erangel miramar and sanhok. Which pubg map is bigger. Erangel vs miramar tested.
Development on this map began in july 2017 pubg corp used the official release update 10 update to test miramar in 3 rounds of testing phases. Pubg high definition banner design the arcade mode in the game has four options to choose from erangelhardcore mode war quick match and sniper training. Due to its specific nature miramar map requires using different tactics and.
Miramar is the second map of pubg mobile and the only one that offers a desert island. Interested in seeing what the new pubg desert map looks like. As playerunknowns battlegrounds creeps towards version 10 and its console debut on xbox one next week its about to double its number of maps.
In this image the square kilometers on the map ui were used as a measurement. The new desert map really is stunning. The battle royale king is headed to the desert.
Return to map selection. Unofficial playerunknowns battlegrounds interactive maps. Reset want to help translate.
Hosting provided by door attendant. Weather is harsh here and there are not many covers you can use. Pubg facebook cover image 4k.
Desert map miramar and v10. Miramar is the 2nd playable map for battlegroundsinitially slated to be a 4x4 km map miramar is a 8x8km city centric map with an open desert plain and rural areas. Datamined vehicle boat loot weapon spawn locations.
Each map is based within a 6464 square kilometer area. Miramar is home to some of the most impressive cityscapes yet released in pubg but one of the best places to drop is a tiny little industrial hamlet right in the middle of the map. Playerunknowns battlegrounds logo map text are the property of bluehole inc.
The best evidence we have that showcases just how much bigger miramar is than erangel is an image created by reddit user dbrowny. Pubg the smash hit pc game that paradrops 100 people onto an island to scavenge for weapons and survive to be the last man standing. Here are a few images to showcase it.
Take a look at 50 pubg miramar screenshots below.
Pubg Mobile Miramar Map Guide Welcome To The Desert Bluestacks 4
Pubg Map Miramar Find Best Weapon Loot Spots
The New Pubg Desert Map Has Now Been Named As Miramar With